Thursday, July 11, 2013


Time. What is time? Is it only just the dissapation of the life force or is there more to it then there seems? All I've seen Time do is destroy. Time is not what creates. There was Life before there was Time. It is possible that Time is jealous of the gift of Life.Instead of asking if Life was willing to share, Time just took it upon itself to destroy all of Lifes creations tout of spite. From the moment we are all conceived, we are being worn down by the sands of Time. Slowly being ground back into the nothingness we were brought forth from. Time has killed wonderous civilizations over and over again. Killing revolutionary ideas right along with them. Indoor plumbing died along side the Roman Empire; True Democracy died with Ancient Greece. Metal working techniques, medicial remedies, war tactics; Everything great has been created more than once, but History only credits the person who either makes it stick or makes it grow to massive heights. I don't fancy myself a savvy political mind, but it's not just one group of politicians who are to blame. Time is to blame. Time has poisoned and corrupted what society should be. I understand that Utopia cannot exist on this plane, I mean take Jim Jones for example. It started out all sugar and rainbows, but it ended with cyanide int he kool-aid. Nothing lasts and Time is the culprit. Life decides what situations we are thrust into, our Souls decide how we handle it and Time destroys all that we've strived to create and achieve. Time is Death. Life and Time. Birth and Death. Yin and Yang. Dark and Light. The Alpha and Omega.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Violence and Silence

They have found a violent nutrition
In which secrets and lies are key
To a silent obedient nation
And the nuclear power of three

We have long be subjects of silence
Our tongues held down by red tape
Our voices cut down by the system
They have forced us to suffer this rape

They have found a violent nutrition
We are now their mistreated dog
Left starving alone and forgotten 
Lost in a political fog

With everyone lost in the silence
It is clear now that we are stuck
Avoiding the danger around us
By turning to dreaming and luck

When they found that violent nutrition
It became abundantly clear
That free speech and all that came with it
Was a thing deserving of fear

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Moment with Misery

It's the bleeding of the silence
The shining of the knife
Color is hidden in the night
By the sudden ending of a life

Angers breeding in the air
Tainted blood spilled on the floor
Our burning shame; Our deep disgrace
They've boarded up the door

With their violence comes confusion
And our death is his greatest desire
They have locked us in this chamber
Their one choice now is gas or fire

We have lived through his solitude
Like those who came before
The poison seeps into our lungs
You shall hear from us no more

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In Case of Emergency

Bother bother...i never really think too much about anything. The only time i find myself capable of deep thought is when i am blasting my brain cells out with music. WUB WUB BLAM!!!!

Silence is a deafening noise, nothing is there but you hear everything. It's rather disconcerting if you stop to think about it. Thinking really is something that shouldn't be done alone. It really is a pity that you can't bring along a spotter when you travel the train of thought.

Writers have editors, so why shouldn't you when you think sober??

Now here's a thought...what do you think? What is the most random idea you have ever come up with and who shot you down?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Here goes nothing! ^-^

To say that nothing is impossible is like saying that the sun will never set. How does a person set about creating the impossible, I mean, it happens all the time but who gets to call all the shots?? With a coating of bubble gum sugar and doughnut-ty goodness sparkles appear in the air.

Not sure if this is the place for my rants of nonsense but i need a bigger audience than just myself, lol.

Well, for sure I'll be back later....just hope that once again, I'm not the only one reading this